Memento Mori
January 15th, 2025
The first half of this decade has taken both of my parents from me.
In November 2024, my father was murdered by aggressive cancer caused by the COVID
I will not mince words.
I will not remain silent.
A depopulation agenda is in motion.
Governments are either willfully ignorant or complicit in the murder of their citizenry.
The covid-19 'vaccinations' injections are agents of biological warfare - they are biogenic / biological weapons.
Coronavirus fragments were described as “bio-warfare enabling technology” at a 2005 DARPA conference.
According to 7 CFR Part 331: The spike protein associated with any modification of coronavirus is classified as a biological weapon.
The injections instruct the human body to manufacture a scheduled toxin (spike protein).
A brief summation:
- The spike protein itself is known to be carcinogenic through at least half a dozen pathways
- Pfizer BioNTech and Moderna explicitly described mRNA as an experimental gene therapy in their SEC filings - not a vaccine.
- The injections are not actually mRNA (messenger RNA) but modified RNA
- Synthetic pseudouridine in the modified RNA was known as a pro-cancer agent
- The syntheytic lipid nanoparticles had been previously found too dangerous for any medical application
- DNA contamination in excess of 500X the allowed limit was found in virtually all the so-called covid vaccines
- The DNA contamination included SV-40, a known carcinogen, cancer accelerator, and tumerogenic agent
- Japanese Researchers confirmed the existence of self-assembling nanotechnology in the shots
- Dozens or hundreds of other unknown ingredients in the
vaccinesbioweapon injections
This was an orchestrated domestic and international terror campaign for the purpose of advancing a 'vaccine initiative'
using a deadly experimental gene therapy - intended to harm, maim, and kill human beings.
My father was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer after the shot. The way he suffered before he died was absolutely horrific.
He was sacrificed to the devil by forces of darkness.
Pure evil has manifested on the Earth. Pandora's box has been opened. A genocidal weapon intended to threaten humanity itself with extinction has been deployed.
Generations are being poisoned at a genetic level - in what I can only assume is a heinous plot to create a slave class of genertically dysfunctional people.
They knew the pseudo-uridine in the modified RNA was a pro-cancer agent
They knew that the synthetic lipid nanoparticles were too dangerous to use in any application in any living organism to treat anything.
They knew from ebola trials that remdesivir had a 53% mortality rate. They knew they were murdering people by giving them remdesivir.
They knew that the so-called vaccine did not even meet the legal standard of a vaccine.
They knew that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine was an effective treatment for the virus.
They suppressed that info because they would have never gotten emergency use authorization for the mRNA experimental gene therapy bioweapon injections had treatments existed.
Multiple covert weapon systems have been deployed against American citizens
- Biogenic / Biological weapons
- Geoengineering & Weather Modification
- Directed Energy Weapons
- Counterfitting of currency
- Psychological warfare
I don't want to live like this anymore.
Videos from outspoken doctors and other experts on these topics:
Arne_Burkhardt_Spike_Protein_Replacing_Sperm - NOTE: Dr Arne Burkhardt later died in suspicious circumstances
I too was poisoned by 'vaccines'
I have never willingly consented to any vaccination.I consider needles and injections to be rape.
In adolescence, I was diagnosed with cancer.
I still bear many physical and psychological scars from this experience.
In light of recent information regarding both the covid bioweapon injections
and the practice of 'vaccination' before the advent of mRNA bioweapons -
I blame vaccinations for causing my childhood cancer.
Nothing can change the past. Nothing can replace or put back what has been taken from me, or from humanity.
My childhood. My father. My friends. My fellow human beings. Nothing will bring them back.
All I can do is pray for an end to this madness, an end to the suffering being inflicted on humanity.
Vaccines are “unavoidably” unsafe.
A Prayer for an End to Suffering
"Vengeance is mine, and recompense,for the time when their foot shall slip;
for the day of their calamity is at hand,
and their doom comes swiftly."
- Deuteronomy 32:35
I pray Almighty God, creator of Heaven and Earth, author of life
I pray - Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth -
I pray with tears in my eyes, with my heart full of sorrow
Crush the head of the serpent!
Cast out the wicked and evil ones who seek to destroy your creation!
Throw them into the lake of fire!
May they suffer eternally for what they have done!
Show no mercy to the evil ones!
Destroy that which is evil
And in so doing
Bring peace back to the world.