
429 All
220 resistor
51 diode
37 capacitor
34 inductor
18 pcb
10 audio
10 lamp
8 heatsink
7 tube
5 terminal
5 cable
4 transistor
3 video
3 fuse
3 antenna
3 varistor
1 triac
1 scr
1 rf
1 switch
1 grommet
1 filter
1 ferrite
1 bnc

RPI Pico HD44780 LCD DS1307 RTC hackable real time clock and scrolling message text using tinygo – prototype

RPI Pico HD44780 LCD DS1307 RTC hackable real time clock and scrolling message text using tinygo – prototype
Price: $60
In stock: 1
partno: pico-clock

Prototype hackable real time clock and scrolling text message board with RPI Pico micro-controller MCU. Also functions as LCD tester. Two HD44780 LCD displays configured in 8 bit parallel operation. DS1307 real-time clock RTC. RTC is set via timestamp on compilation. Golang tinygo source code is at

Brand: magnetosphere
Category: pcb
Subcategory: kit
Weight: 32 oz
Condition: new
Note: kit available in the future