
_mobilesite() {
	go run cli.go --html
_mobilesite1() {
	go run cli.go | ansifilter --html #| tail -n +20 | head -n -3 | sed 's/>=/><span style=/g' | sed 's/<pre>/<pre style="font-size:1px;">/g'
_asciititle() {
	cat asciititle.txt | ansifilter --html | tail -n +20 | head -n -3 | sed 's/>=/><span style=/g'
#	cat asciititle.txt | ansifilter --html | tail -n +20 | head -n -3 | sed 's/>=/><span style=/g' | sed 's/<pre>/<pre style="font-size:1px;">/g'
_asciiartmobilehtml() {
	[[ "$1" != "" ]] && img2txt -W $1 logo.png  | ansifilter --html | tail -n +20 | head -n -3 | sed 's/>=/><span style=/g' | sed 's/<pre>/<pre style="font-size:1px;">/g' || img2txt -W 700 logo.png  | ansifilter --html | tail -n +20 | head -n -3 | sed 's/>=/><span style=/g' | sed 's/<pre>/<pre style="font-size:1px;">/g'
_asciiartmobile() {
	[[ "$1" != "" ]] && img2txt -W $1 logo.png || img2txt -W 700 logo.png
	echo -e "\033[0m\033[49m"
_asciiart() {
img2txt -W 1599 logo.png  | ansifilter --html | tail -n +20 | head -n -3 | sed 's/>=/><span style=/g' | sed 's/<pre>/<pre style="font-size:1px;">/g' | tee logo.html
_aboutascii() {
	img2txt -W 1184 img/BASH.png | ansifilter --html | tail -n +20 | head -n -3 | sed 's/>=/><span style=/g' | sed 's/<pre>/<pre style="font-size:1px;">/g' | tee aboutascii.html
	echo  | tee -a aboutascii.html
	img2txt -W 1061 img/Go-Logo.png | ansifilter --html | tail -n +20 | head -n -3 | sed 's/>=/><span style=/g' | sed 's/<pre>/<pre style="font-size:1px;">/g' | tee -a aboutascii.html
_subcat() {
[[ "$1" == "" ]] && return
[[ "$2" == "" ]] &&	return
CATEGORY=$1 SUBCATEGORY=$2  awk -F',' '$4 == "TRUE" && $14 == ENVIRON["CATEGORY"] {print}' products.csv  | while IFS="," read 	_image1	_partno	_name	_enable	_price	_quantity	_shippable	_minorder	_maxorder	_defaultquantity	_stepquantity	_mfgpartno	_mfgname	_category	_subcategory	_location	_msrp	_cost	_type	_packagetype	_technology	_materials	_value	_valunit	_resistance	_resunit	_tolerance	_voltsrating	_ampsrating	_wattsrating	_temprating	_tempunit	_description1	_description2	_color1	_color2	_sourceinfo	_datasheet	_docs	_reference	_attributes	_year	_condition	_note	_warning	_cablelengthinches	_lengthinches	_widthinches	_heightinches	_weightlb	_weightoz ; do
_subcategory=${_subcategory//"  "/" "}
_subcategory=${_subcategory//" "/"-"}
_subcategory=${_subcategory//" "/"-"}
[[ "${_subcategory}" != "$2" ]] && continue
[[ "${_category}" != "" ]] && _category="${_category}/"

echo "<pre><a href='/p/${_partno}'><img style='max-width: 300px; max-height: 200px;' src='/img/${_category}${_image1}' alt='${_name}'></a></pre>
$(echo ${_name} | ansifilter -w 100 --html |tail -n +20 | head -n -3)
<pre><a title='Read more about ${_partno}' href='/p/${_partno}'>Read More</a></pre>
<pre>Price: \$${_price}</pre>
<pre>In stock: ${_quantity}</pre>"
[[ "${_quantity}" != "0" ]] && echo "<pre><button class='snipcart-add-item' data-item-id='${_partno}' data-item-name='${_partno}' data-item-image='/img/${_category}${_image1}' data-item-price='${_price}' data-item-description='${_name}' data-item-min-quantity='1' data-item-quantity='1' data-item-quantity-step='1' data-item-shippable='true' data-itemweight='$(echo "scale=2; ${_weightoz} * 28.3495" | awk '{print int($1+0.5)}')' data-item-length='$(echo "scale=2; ${_length} * 2.54" | awk '{print int($1+0.5)}')' data-item-width='$(echo "scale=2; ${_width} * 2.54" | awk '{print int($1+0.5)}')'	data-item-height='$(echo "scale=2; ${_height} * 2.54" | awk '{print int($1+0.5)}')' data-item-has-taxes-included='false'>Add to cart</button></pre>"
echo "<pre>partno: ${_partno}</pre>
_cat() {
[[ $1 != "" ]] && CATEGORY=$1 awk -F ',' '$4 == "TRUE" && $14 ~ ENVIRON["CATEGORY"] {print}' products.csv | while IFS="," read 	_image1	_partno	_name	_enable	_price	_quantity	_shippable	_minorder	_maxorder	_defaultquantity	_stepquantity	_mfgpartno	_mfgname	_category	_subcategory	_location	_msrp	_cost	_type	_packagetype	_technology	_materials	_value	_valunit	_resistance	_resunit	_tolerance	_voltsrating	_ampsrating	_wattsrating	_temprating	_tempunit	_description1	_description2	_color1	_color2	_sourceinfo	_datasheet	_docs	_reference	_attributes	_year	_condition	_note	_warning	_cablelengthinches	_lengthinches	_widthinches	_heightinches	_weightlb	_weightoz ; do
[[ "${_category}" != "" ]] && _category="${_category}/"
echo "<pre><a title='Read more about ${_partno}' href='/p/${_partno}'><img style='max-width: 300px; max-height: 200px;' src='/img/${_category}${_image1}' alt='${_name}'></a></pre>
$(echo ${_name} | ansifilter -w 100 --html |tail -n +20 | head -n -3)
<pre><a title='Read more about ${_partno}' href='/p/${_partno}'>Read More</a></pre>
<pre>Price: \$${_price}</pre>
<pre>In stock: ${_quantity}</pre>"
[[ "${_quantity}" != "0" ]] && echo "<pre><button class='snipcart-add-item' data-item-id='${_partno}' data-item-name='${_partno}' data-item-image='/img/${_category}${_image1}' data-item-price='${_price}' data-item-description='${_name}' data-item-min-quantity='1' data-item-quantity='1' data-item-quantity-step='1' data-item-shippable='true' data-itemweight='$(echo "scale=2; ${_weightoz} * 28.3495" | awk '{print int($1+0.5)}')' data-item-length='$(echo "scale=2; ${_length} * 2.54" | awk '{print int($1+0.5)}')' data-item-width='$(echo "scale=2; ${_width} * 2.54" | awk '{print int($1+0.5)}')'	data-item-height='$(echo "scale=2; ${_height} * 2.54" | awk '{print int($1+0.5)}')' data-item-has-taxes-included='false'>Add to cart</button></pre>"
echo "<pre>partno: ${_partno}</pre>

_prod() {
[[ $1 != "" ]] && PRODUCT=$1 awk -F ',' '$4 == "TRUE" && $2 ~ ENVIRON["PRODUCT"] {print}' products.csv | head -n1 | while IFS="," read 	_image1 _partno _name _enable _price _quantity _shippable _minorder _maxorder _defaultquantity _stepquantity _mfgpartno _mfgname _category _subcategory _location _msrp _cost _type _packagetype _technology _materials _value _valunit _resistance _resunit _tolerance _voltsrating _ampsrating _wattsrating _temprating _tempunit _description1 _description2 _color1 _color2 _sourceinfo _datasheet _docs _reference _attributes _year _condition _note _warning _cablelengthinches _lengthinches _widthinches _heightinches _weightlb _weightoz ; do
[[ "${_category}" != "" ]] && _category="${_category}/"
echo "<h1 style='font-family:Courier New; font-size:10pt'>${_name}</h1>\n"
echo "<img style='max-width: 800px; max-height: 600px;' src='/img/${_category}${_image1}' alt='${_name}'>
$(echo ${_name} | ansifilter -w 100 --html |tail -n +20 | head -n -3)
$([[ "${_description1}" != *"${_name}"* ]] && echo ${_description1} | ansifilter -w 100 --html |tail -n +20 | head -n -3)
<pre>Price: \$${_price}</pre>
<pre>In stock: ${_quantity}</pre>"
[[ "${_quantity}" != "0" ]] && echo "<pre><button class='snipcart-add-item' data-item-id='${_partno}' data-item-name='${_partno}' data-item-image='/img/${_category}${_image1}' data-item-price='${_price}' data-item-description='${_name}' data-item-min-quantity='1' data-item-quantity='1' data-item-quantity-step='1' data-item-shippable='true' data-itemweight='$(echo "scale=2; ${_weightoz} * 28.3495" | awk '{print int($1+0.5)}')' data-item-length='$(echo "scale=2; ${_length} * 2.54" | awk '{print int($1+0.5)}')' data-item-width='$(echo "scale=2; ${_width} * 2.54" | awk '{print int($1+0.5)}')'	data-item-height='$(echo "scale=2; ${_height} * 2.54" | awk '{print int($1+0.5)}')' data-item-has-taxes-included='false'>Add to cart</button></pre>" || true
echo "<pre>partno: ${_partno}</pre>" || true
[[ "${_mfgname}" != "" ]] && echo "<pre>Brand: ${_mfgname}</pre>" || true
[[ "${_mfgpartno}" != "" ]] && echo "<pre>MPN: ${_mfgpartno}</pre>" || true
[[ "${_category}" != "" ]] && echo "<pre>Category: <a title='Product Category: ${_category/'/'}' href='/cat/${_category/'/'}'>${_category/'/'}</a></pre>" || true
_subcategorylink=${_subcategorylink//"  "/" "}
_subcategorylink=${_subcategorylink//" "/"-"}
_subcategorylink=${_subcategorylink//" "/"-"}
[[ "${_subcategory}" != "" ]] && echo "<pre>Subcategory: <a title='Product SubCategory: ${_subcategory}' href='/cat/${_category}${_subcategorylink}'>${_subcategory}</a></pre>" || true
[[ "${_voltsrating}" != '0' ]] && [[ "${_voltsrating}" != '0.0' ]] && [[ "${_voltsrating}" != '' ]] && echo -n "<pre>Voltage: " && echo "${_voltsrating}</pre>" || true
[[ "${_val}" != '0' ]] && [[ "${_val}" != '0.0' ]] && [[ "${_val}" != '' ]] && echo -n "<pre>Value: " && echo #"${_val}${_valunit}</pre>" || true
[[ "${_ampsrating}" != '0' ]] && [[ "${_ampsrating}" != '0.0' ]] && [[ "${_ampsrating}" != '' ]] && echo "<pre>Amperage: ${_ampsrating}</pre>" || true
[[ "${_tolerance}" != '0' ]] && [[ "${_tolerance}" != '0' ]] && [[ "${_tolerance}" != '' ]] && echo "<pre>Tolerance: $(echo "scale=2; ${_tolerance} * 100.0" | bc)%</pre>" || true
[[ "${_type}" != "" ]] && echo "<pre>Type: ${_type}</pre>" || true
[[ "${_packagetype}" != "" ]] && echo "<pre>Package Type: ${_packagetype}</pre>" || true
[[ "${_technology}" != "" ]] && echo "<pre>Technology: ${_technology}</pre>" || true
[[ "${_materials}" != "" ]] && echo "<pre>Materials: ${_materials}</pre>" || true
[[ "${_wattsrating}" != '0' ]] && [[ "${_wattsrating}" != '0.0' ]] && [[ "${_wattsrating}" != '' ]] && echo "<pre>watts rating: ${_wattsrating}</pre>" || true
[[ "${_year}" != "0" ]]  && [[ "${_year}" != "" ]]  && echo "<pre>Year: ${_year}</pre>" || true
[[ "${_cablelength}" != '0' ]] && [[ "${_cablelength}" != '0.0' ]] && [[ "${_cablelength}" != '' ]] && echo "<pre>Cable Length: ${_cableLength}inches</pre>" || true
[[ "${_weightoz}" != '0' ]] && echo "<pre>Weight: ${_weightoz}oz</pre>" || true
[[ "${_temprating}" != '0' ]] && echo "<pre>Temp rating: ${_temprating}</pre>" || true
[[ "${_condition}" != "" ]] && echo "<pre>Condition: ${_condition}</pre>" || true
[[ "${_datasheet}" != "" ]] && echo "<pre>Datasheet: <a title='Product Datasheet: ${_datasheet}' href='/img/pdf/${_datasheet}'>${_datasheet}</a></pre>" || true
[[ "${_docs}" != "" ]] && echo "<pre>Documentation: ${_docs}</pre>" || true
[[ "${_note}" != "" ]] && echo "<pre>Note: ${_note}</pre>" || true
[[ "${_warning}" != "" ]] && echo "<pre>Warning: ${_warning}</pre>" || true
[[ "${_description2}" != "" ]] && echo "<pre>Additional Description: ${_description2}</pre>" || true
_prodpkg() {
[[ $1 != "" ]] && PRODUCT=$1 awk -F ',' '$4 == "TRUE" && $2 ~ ENVIRON["PRODUCT"] {print}' products.csv | head -n1 | while IFS="," read 	_image1 _partno _name _enable _price _quantity _shippable _minorder _maxorder _defaultquantity _stepquantity _mfgpartno _mfgname _category _subcategory _location _msrp _cost _type _packagetype _technology _materials _value _valunit _resistance _resunit _tolerance _voltsrating _ampsrating _wattsrating _temprating _tempunit _description1 _description2 _color1 _color2 _sourceinfo _datasheet _docs _reference _attributes _year _condition _note _warning _cablelengthinches _lengthinches _widthinches _heightinches _weightlb _weightoz ; do
#[[ "${_packagetype}" != "" ]] && echo "${_packagetype}"
 [[ "${_packagetype}" != "" ]] && printf "${_packagetype}"

_prodhead() {
[[ $1 != "" ]] && PRODUCT=$1 awk -F ',' '$4 == "TRUE" && $2 ~ ENVIRON["PRODUCT"] {print}' products.csv | head -n1 | while IFS="," read 	_image1 _partno _name _enable _price _quantity _shippable _minorder _maxorder _defaultquantity _stepquantity _mfgpartno _mfgname _category _subcategory _location _msrp _cost _type _packagetype _technology _materials _value _valunit _resistance _resunit _tolerance _voltsrating _ampsrating _wattsrating _temprating _tempunit _description1 _description2 _color1 _color2 _sourceinfo _datasheet _docs _reference _attributes _year _condition _note _warning _cablelengthinches _lengthinches _widthinches _heightinches _weightlb _weightoz ; do
echo "<meta charset='UTF-8'>"
echo "<title>magnetosphere electronic surplus | $_name</title>"
echo -n "<meta name='description' content='$_name "
[[ "${_subcategory}" != "" ]] && echo -n "${_subcategory} " || true
[[ "${_category}" != "" ]] && echo -n "${_category}, " || true
[[ "${_voltsrating}" != '0' ]] && [[ "${_voltsrating}" != '0.0' ]] && [[ "${_voltsrating}" != '' ]] && echo -n "${_voltsrating}V " || true
[[ "${_ampsrating}" != '0' ]] && [[ "${_ampsrating}" != '0.0' ]] && [[ "${_ampsrating}" != '' ]] && echo -n "${_ampsrating}A " || true
[[ "${_val}" != '0' ]] && [[ "${_val}" != '0.0' ]] && [[ "${_val}" != '' ]] && echo -n "${_val}${_valunit} " || true
[[ "${_tolerance}" != '0' ]] && [[ "${_tolerance}" != '0' ]] && [[ "${_tolerance}" != '' ]] && echo -n "$(echo "scale=2; ${_tolerance} * 100.0" | bc)% " || true
[[ "${_packagetype}" != "" ]] && echo -n "${_packagetype} " || true
[[ "${_mfgname}" != "" ]] && echo -n "${_technology} " || true
[[ "${_materials}" != "" ]] && echo -n "${_materials} " || true
[[ "${_wattsrating}" != '0' ]] && [[ "${_wattsrating}" != '0.0' ]] && [[ "${_wattsrating}" != '' ]] && echo -n "${_wattsrating}W " || true
[[ "${_cablelength}" != '0' ]] && [[ "${_cablelength}" != '0.0' ]] && [[ "${_cablelength}" != '' ]] && echo -n " ${_cableLength}in" || true
[[ "${_mpn}" != "" ]] && echo -n "${_mpn} " || true
echo "; price: \$${_price}; ${_quantity} In Stock; ${_condition} At Magnetosphere.'>" || true
echo "<script type='application/ld+json'>
\"@context\" : \"http://schema.org\"
\"@type\" : \"Product\"
\"name\" : \"${_name}\"
\"image\" : \"https://magnetosphere.net/img/${_category}/${_image1}\"
\"description\" : \"${_description1}\"
\"productID\" : \"${_partno}\""
#\"sku\" : \"${_partno}\"
[[ "${_mpn}" != "" ]] && echo "\"mpn\": \"${_mpn}\""
echo "\"brand\": {
\"@type\": \"Brand\""
[[ ${_mfgname} != "" ]] && echo "\"name\": \"${_mfgname}\"" || echo "\"name\": \"Magnetosphere\"\n"
echo "},
\"offers\" : {
\"@type\" : \"Offer\"
\"priceCurrency\": \"USD\"
\"url\" : \"https://{{$site}}/post/{{$partnumber}}\"
\"price\" : \"{{.Price}}\""
[[ ${_condition} == "used" ]] && echo "\"itemCondition\": \"https://schema.org/UsedCondition\"" || echo "\"itemCondition\": \"https://schema.org/NewCondition\""
echo "\"availability\" : \"https://schema.org/InStock\"
_prods() {
awk -F ',' '$4 == "TRUE" {print $2}' products.csv
_catslinks() {
awk -F',' '$4 == "TRUE" {print $14}' products.csv | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | while read _i ; do
echo "<pre style='background-color: black;'>${_i%' '*} <a  title='Product Category: ${_i#*' '}' href='/cat/${_i#*' '}'>${_i#*' '}</a></pre>"
_subcatslinks() {
[[ $1 != "" ]] && CATEGORY=$1 awk -F ',' '$4 == "TRUE" && $14 ~ ENVIRON["CATEGORY"] {print $15}' products.csv | grep -v -e '^$'|  sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | while read _i ; do
echo -n "<pre style='background-color: black;'>${_i%%' '*} "
_link=${_i#*' '}
_link=${_link//"  "/" "}
_link=${_link//" "/"-"}
_link=${_link//" "/"-"}
echo "<a title='Product SubCategory: ${_i#*' '}' href='/cat/$1/${_link}'>${_i#*' '}</a></pre>"
_treetest() {
	go run m2.go cat | ansifilter --html 
_cats() {
awk -F',' '$4 == "TRUE" {print $14}' products.csv | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | awk -F" " '{print$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9$10}' | grep -v -e '^$'
_subcats() {
[[ -z "$1" ]] && awk -F',' '$4 == "TRUE" {print $15}' products.csv | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | awk -F" " '{print$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9$10}' | grep -v -e '^$' | while read _i ; do
_i=${_i#*' '}
_i=${_i//"  "/" "}
_i=${_i//" "/"-"}
_i=${_i//" "/"-"}
echo "${_i}"
done || CATEGORY=$1 awk -F',' '$4 == "TRUE" && $14 == ENVIRON["CATEGORY"] {print $15}' products.csv | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | awk -F" " '{print$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9$10}' | grep -v -e '^$' | while read _i ; do
_i=${_i#*' '}
_i=${_i//"  "/" "}
_i=${_i//" "/"-"}
_i=${_i//" "/"-"}
echo "${_i}"

_sitemapxml() {
_update="$(date +%Y-%m-%d)"
echo	"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<urlset xmlns='http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9'>"
_cats | while read _category ; do
echo "<url>
_subcats ${_category} | while read _subcategory ; do
echo "<url>
awk -F ',' '$4 == "TRUE" {print $2}' products.csv | while read _partno ; do
echo "<url>
echo "</urlset>"

_yearcalendar() {
	seq  01 12 | while read -r _month ; do unbuffer cal --color "$_month" "$(date +%Y)" | ansifilter --html | tail -n +20 | head -n -3  ; done | tee
_rainbowcal() {
	echo "<p style='font-size:4;'>"
	unbuffer cal --color | lolcat -f -F '0.5' | ansifilter --html | tail -n +20 | head -n -3
	echo "</p>"
#_skywireclihelp() {
#	unbuffer skywire-cli --help | ansifilter --html | tail -n +20 | head -n -3 | tee
_dayscalc() {
	printf 'There are %s days in the month of %s.\n' "$(cal "$(date +%m)" "$(date +%Y)" | awk 'NF {DAYS = $NF}; END {print DAYS}')" "$(date +%B)"
	printf 'Today is %s %s.\n' "$(date +%B)"  "$(date +%d)"
	printf '%s days remain in the month of %s.\n' "$(echo "$(cal "$(date +%m)" "$(date +%Y)" | awk 'NF {DAYS = $NF}; END {print DAYS}')" - "$(date +%d)" | bc -l)" "$(date +%B)"
	printf '%s days in the year %s.\n' "$(seq  01 12 | while read -r _month ; do cal "$_month" "$(date +%Y)" | awk 'NF {DAYS = $NF}; END {print DAYS}' ; done | paste -sd+ | bc -l)" "$(date +%Y)"
	printf 'Today is day %s.\n' "$(date +%j)"
	printf 'There are %s  days remaining in %s\n'  "$(echo "$(echo "$(date --date="January 1 next year" +%s)" - "$(date +%s)"  | bc -l)" / 60 / 60 / 24 | bc)" "$(date +%Y)"

_statusbanner() {
#	[[ $(($(date +%s) - $(date -r "status.html" +%s))) -lt 300 ]] && cat status.html && exit
#	[[ $(($(date +%s) - $(date -r "status.html" +%s))) -gt 300 ]] && [[ $(systemctl is-active --quiet skycoin-modal >/dev/null) ]] && echo "<div style='position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; background-color: blue; padding: 0px; text-align: center; color: black; font-size: 10px;'><p>payment gateway status: <b>online</b></p></div>" | tee status.html || echo "<div style='position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; background-color: red; padding: 0px; text-align: center; color: black; font-size: 10px;'><p>payment gateway status: <b>offline</b></p></div>" | tee status.html
if systemctl is-active --quiet skycoin-modal >/dev/null ; then printf "payment gateway: <span style='background-color: blue; color: black;'><b>online</b></span>" ; else printf "payment gateway: <span style='background-color: red; color: black;'><b>offline</b></span>" ; fi
_logocanvas() {
	awk 'NR==321 {print substr($0, 1, 61028) "<canvas id=\"gocanvas\"></canvas>" substr($0, 61029)} NR!=321' logo.html
_customlogohtml() {
	 img2txt -W 1599 logo.png  | ansifilter --html | tail -n +20 | head -n -3 | sed 's/>=/><span style=/g' | sed 's/<pre>/<pre style="font-size:1px;">/g'

	go run m2.go --help | ansifilter --html

_char_to_entity() {
	local char="$1"
    case "$char" in
        "&") echo "&amp;" ;;
        "<") echo "&lt;" ;;
        ">") echo "&gt;" ;;
        '"') echo "&quot;" ;;
        "'") echo "&#39;" ;;
        "┌") echo "&#9484;" ;;
        "─") echo "&#9472;" ;;
        "┐") echo "&#9488;" ;;
        "┬") echo "&#9516;" ;;
        "├") echo "&#9500;" ;;
        "┤") echo "&#9508;" ;;
        "└") echo "&#9492;" ;;
        "┘") echo "&#9496;" ;;
        "│") echo "&#9474;" ;;
        "╔") echo "&#9556;" ;;
        "╗") echo "&#9559;" ;;
        "║") echo "&#9553;" ;;
        "╚") echo "&#9562;" ;;
        "╝") echo "&#9565;" ;;
        "═") echo "&#9552;" ;;
        "┼") echo "&#9532;" ;;
        "┴") echo "&#9524;" ;;
        "O") echo "&#79;" ;; # ASCII for "O"
        "/") echo "&#47;" ;; # ASCII for "/"
        "\\") echo "&#92;" ;; # ASCII for "\"
        "┌") echo "&#9484;" ;;
        "┤") echo "&#9508;" ;;
        "o") echo "&#111;" ;; # ASCII for "o"
        "│") echo "&#9474;" ;;
        "└") echo "&#9492;" ;;
        "┘") echo "&#9496;" ;;
        "─") echo "&#9472;" ;;
		"\n") echo "<br>" ;; # Convert newline to <br>
        " ") echo "&nbsp;" ;; # Non-breaking space
        *)   echo "$char" ;;

# Function to convert a string to HTML entities
_sentities() {
    local input="$1"
    local output=""
    local len=${#input}
    for (( i=0; i<len; i++ )); do
        local char="${input:$i:1}"
        local entity="$(_char_to_entity "$char")"
    echo "$output"